The web is a
place 🧙

You have more information at your fingertips than the smartest person alive did just a few years ago. At the click of a button you can learn new skills, discuss philsophy, or find answers to any question imaginable.

But making use of it is hard.

We're more distracted, more over-loaded, more scattered than ever.

Just keeping track of our own thoughts and ideas is an impossible task.

You need a place to think out loud. Somewhere for your mind to expand and contract. The world's greatest minds have done the same using a tool we're all familiar with: notetaking

From Leonardo da Vinci to Marie Curie to Steve Jobs – some of the worlds worlds foremost thinkers kept notebooks of their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Through writing they cleared the fog of their own mind to arrive at something truly remarkable.

We've built a tool that helps you do just that.

Pilcrow is an AI notebook that helps you think through writing

Pilcrow works similar to a garden. You plant ideas and watch them grow. Tend to the ones you want to keep, and let die the ones you dont. Everything is there in your backyard, fenced away from prying eyes or judgements.

Here's a few things you can do with it:

Calm, distraction-free editor to write your thoughts, ideas, and learnings.

Pilcrow is currently in private beta. Whilst I work on it, there will be limited spaces (AI and compute is expensive). You can join the waitlist below.

I want to build a tool that leveraged the power of technology to help you think. A companion to make your thoughts clear and rigid. But Pilcrow isn't there yet. It's a journey I can't finish alone.

By joining the waitlist, I want to work with you to build Pilcrow into the tool it needs to be.

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